
大牌实力工厂潮牌货源一件代发包包源头工厂 诚招代理

收录时间:2024-12-03 浏览人气:

大牌实力工厂潮牌货源一件代发包包源头工厂 诚招代理
  • 微信号: ww28991kk
  • 所在地:广州
  • Q Q号:1508133853
  • 网址:点击访问
  • 手机号:13826159338





公司只做高端工厂货源 ,不做垃圾货(The company only does high-end original single supply, not junk goods)

本公司专注于世界各大著偧品大牌,专业出口海外著偧品代工厂一手货源供应商 ,产品批发,厂家一手货源,100%保证进口原料,绝对专柜同步新款,海外代购供应商,专业出口海外著偧品代工厂,货物可直邮寄全球任何一个国家!支持验货~包清关,支持一件代发,支持货到付款,支持退换,全国包邮,加入我们,你即可拥有我们公司上千款产品,实物拍摄图片,海量高清细节图和视频,以及专业销售技巧,我们严把质量关,重视每个生产环节,为你经营作保障。--100%保证产品质量--诚招实体店/微信/微商代理, 欢迎海外代购合作!

Our company focuses on major br an_d s of luxury goods around the world, specializing in exporting to overseas luxury goods factories as a primary source of supply, wholesale products,  an_d  manufacturers as a primary source of supply. We guarantee 100% import of raw materials, absolutely synchronize new products with specialized counters, provide overseas purchasing services,  an_d  specialize in exporting to overseas luxury goods factories. Our goods can be directly shipped to any country in the world! Support inspection~package customs clearance, support one piece shipping, support cash on delivery, support returns  an_d  exchanges,  an_d  nationwide package shipping. Join us  an_d  you will have thous an_d s of products from our company, including physical photos, massive high-definition details  an_d  videos, as well as professional sales skills. We strictly control quality, attach importance to every production process,  an_d  provide guarantee for your operation-- 100% guarantee of product quality - Sincerely recruit physical stores/WeChat/WeChat agents, welcome overseas purchasing cooperation!

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